
Engage for Change! Join the Remittance Coalition

Would you like to see more efficient business-to-business (B2B) payments in the U.S.? Widespread use of electronic remittance data exchanges? Reduced barriers to electronic payments? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in joining the Remittance Coalition.

The Remittance Coalition is a group of organizations and individuals working together to promote greater use of electronic B2B payments and electronic remittance data exchanges. Now, more than ever, all types and sizes of U.S. businesses are shifting from paper to electronic payments. The Coalition’s main objective is to address barriers to and the efficiency of how those B2B payments are made/reconciled.

Ready to Join?

Participation in the Coalition is free and open to any individual or organization interested in the Coalition’s objectives. Register now! (Off-site) You will receive a welcome packet, be added to the Coalition distribution list and be invited to participate in specific Coalition initiatives that may interest you.

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