Around the Fed, Faster Payments, Payments Efficiency, Payments Security, Webinars

The Next Steps Webinar Recording is Now Available for On-demand Viewing

On September 6, 2017, the Federal Reserve issued Strategies for Improving the U.S. Payment System: Federal Reserve Next Steps in the Payments Improvement Journey (PDF). The paper reflects the Federal Reserve’s plans for near-term collaboration with the industry to move closer to achieving the desired outcomes articulated in the Strategies paper. Following the release of the paper, we hosted a number of educational events including a webinar series featuring Federal Reserve leaders expanding on the Next Steps paper.

Whether you missed the webinar and would like to view it for the first time or just want a refresher, you can now view the recording on demand. Join Dave Sapenaro, first vice president and chief operating officer of the St. Louis Federal Reserve and Federal Reserve System payments strategy director, and Connie Theien, senior vice president and director of the Federal Reserve System payments industry relations program, as they discuss the Next Steps paper and answer questions from attendees. As part of the discussion they outlined the Fed’s updated strategies to enhance the speed, safety and efficiency of the payment system from end to end through industry engagement and collaboration.

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