Payments Efficiency

Read the Business Payments Coalition’s Latest Paper: Catalog of Electronic Invoice Technical Standards in the U.S.

When it comes to sending and receiving electronic invoices, modern businesses are faced with a mountain of options and considerations. Businesses must also navigate the additional challenges of integration with their trading partners driven by the many different e-invoice technical standards available in the U.S. market.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a universal technical standard for electronic invoicing? The Business Payments Coalition tackles this very topic in their latest paper: Catalog of Electronic Invoice Technical Standards in the U.S. (PDF). The paper aims to lay the foundation for selecting an invoicing standard for the U.S. market with the hopes of accelerating the adoption of electronic invoicing. In the coming months, the group behind this paper, The Business Payments Coalition E-invoicing Work Group, will re-convene and begin working to define both an invoice technical standard and an interoperability framework for the U.S.

Stay tuned for more news from the Business Payments Coalition as this project progresses and be sure to read the paper (PDF) if you haven’t already.