Faster Payments

Unlocking Instant Payments: Preparation is Key

Faster payments, which include instant payments, continue to be a key topic of consideration and curiosity around the world. As progress continues here in the United States, now is the time to brush up on your instant payments knowledge.

Wondering where to start? One central resource is the Federal Reserve’s ongoing instant payments education series (Off-site). Explore the most recent articles in the series below, ranging from the fundamentals of instant payments to a closer look at key benefits, use cases and trends:

Review or take a first look at some of the past articles:

Visit the Instant Payments Education (Off-site) page regularly for the latest installments in the series.

To stay up-to-date on the Fed’s continued efforts around faster payments, sign up to join the FedPayments Improvement Community and select “Faster Payments Implementation” under the interest preferences.