December 2022 Pulse Newsletter


Microsoft® on Improving the Customer Experience with the Exchange Framework

As a member of the Business Payments Coalition’s E-invoice Exchange Market Pilot, Jayna Bundy of Microsoft is on the front lines helping to test an anticipated e-invoice exchange framework. Hear how the exchange framework can help improve the ecosystem of business-to-business payments for the future.

Pioneers of Now: Instant Payments Enthusiasm from Across the Industry

With the approaching launch of the FedNowSM Service next year, financial institutions and service providers around the country are preparing for the future of instant payments. The Federal Reserve’s Pioneers of Now series highlights leaders from these organizations working toward early adoption of the FedNow Service.

Payments Improvement News and Announcements

Look No Further: Service Providers for Synthetic Identity Fraud Mitigation

How can the threat of synthetic identity fraud be addressed? The Federal Reserve recently expanded its online toolkit with new information on providers and their offerings for mitigating this form of fraud. Read the full article here.

Building Customer-Centered and Adaptive Networks: 2022 Chicago Payments Symposium

Payments leaders gathered in person and virtually for the annual Chicago Payments Symposium to discuss the top industry trends, innovations and ways to better serve customers. Explore the highlights.

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